We have found an accommodation in Kelabang Moding, a village located approximately 4 km north of Ubud and it’s a perfect place for us. Ubud is an awesome place, but getting out in to the countryside and sleep in peace and quiet is priceless. Getting an accomodation in Kelabang Moding was a lucky coincidence for us. One of our friends was about to leave Ubud and his house was suddenly available, so we took the chance and moved in to the house for the time we are spending in Ubud. Kelabang Moding is a nice little village and we were happy to celebrate the Balinese new year with them last week, which was the only lively thing that has happened during those weeks we lived here. The absence of night clubs and bars mean that we can fall asleep to the sounds of night animals and the river that runs right below us – we love it! We thought about posting some pictures of our accommodation here where the pool is a central part of our home, so prepare for lot of pictures of that one.

Vi har hittat ett boende i Kelabang Moding, en by som ligger cirka 4 km norr om Ubud och denna by är helt perfekt för oss. Ubud är väldigt trevligt, men att få komma ut på landsbygden och sova i lugn och ro är ovärderligt för oss. Anledningen att  det blev Kelabang Moding var en tursam slump för oss. En av våra vänner skulle nämligen iväg på en resa och dennes hus stod plötsligt ledigt i en månad och vi flyttade gärna in för tiden vi tänkte spendera i Ubud. Kelabang Moding är en trevlig liten by och vi fick glädjen att fira in det nya balinesiska året med dem förra veckan, vilket är den enda livlighet som hänt under dessa veckor vi bott här. Frånvaron av nattklubbar och barer gör att vi får somna till ljudet av nattdjuren och floden som rinner precis nedanför oss. Vi tänkte lägga ut lite bilder på vårt boende här där poolen är en central del av vårt hem, därav mycket bilder på just denna.

Our view from the pool – no noise and the view makes us relaxed.

Our kitchen is outside, but under a roof and it is a pleasure to make breakfast in the morning, especially with our wonderful view.

Our view from the kitchen!

Our host family cooked for us one evening  and we got a lovely Balinese dinner.

Our kitchen had a blender so we make our own fruit smoothies every day.

Our bedroom where we sleep really well!

This is our bathroom, where we can sit on the toilet and watch the night sky in our own bathroom garden.

Really love our semi-outdoor shower as well.

Ulrika enjoying her morning coffee in our pool.

We live 4 km north of Ubud so we’ve also rented a Scooter for the month. North of Ubud is very beautiful and we brought our camera with us, so we could show you our way to the centre of Ubud. You’ll find the video just below.